Agreement between Québec universities to approve studies
at an external institution[1]

Table of contents


1. Definitions

1.1 Student

1.2 Home university

1.3 Host university

1.4 Universities

1.5 Academic year

2. Registration

3. Tuition

4. Responsibility

5. Implementation

6. Duration

7. Application of the agreement

8. Interpretation of the agreement

Final provision

  Québec universities have agreed to allow transfer of academic credits between institutions subject to the conditions indicated below.  

1. Definitions
  For the application of the current agreement, the words and expressions below have the following meaning :
  1.1 Student  
    The student in first, second, or third cycle who is registered as a regular student in a Québec university.
  1.2 Home university  
    The university where the student is registered as a regular student, in the pursuit of a university degree.
  1.3 Host university  
    The university at which students are registered in accordance with the current agreement, to follow one or more courses which will be transferred to their home university.
  1.4 Universities  
    The Québec universities which are participants in the current agreement.
  1.5 Academic Year  
    The 12 month period from May 1 of one civic year to April 30 of the following civic year.

2. Registration
  2.1 With the permission of the program adviser (or any other authorized person) and the university Registrar at the home university, the student, whether registered full-time or part-time, may register for one or more courses in an academic year, at one or more universities in Québec, subject to the restrictions outlined in the academic regulations of the home university or of the institutional regulations of the host university whose name appears on the official of Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) form.  
  2.2 Subject to the stipulations of the current agreement, the host university grants full recognition toward the degree that it is awarding, to the courses followed and passed at the host university. The home university will consider the results received according to its own policies with respect to recognition of credits and grades.  
  2.3 If a request is approved, the Registrar of the host university is responsible for informing the student of the procedures involved in registering for courses.  
  2.4 Notwithstanding the permission that students have received to register at a host university, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that their timetable will permit them to follow one or more courses and to write examinations at the host university.  
  2.5 The current agreement does not absolve students of the responsibility of following the program of studies established by their home university.  
  2.6 The current agreement in no way removes the right of the host institution to accept or to refuse registration in any course or program that it offers, to a student whose home institution is another university.  

3. Tuition
  All courses followed at the home university or the host university are billed by and payable to the home university. To participate in this agreement, students must have paid their accounts in full at the home university.

4. Responsibility
  The permanent Academic Affairs Committee of the BCI has the sole responsibility for the application and the revision of the current agreement.

5. Implementation
  The Registrars of the universities which adhere to the current agreement retain and maintain the files of these exchange agreements. The permanent Registrars' Sub-Committee of the BCI is required to present an annual report on the implementation of this agreement to the permanent Academic Affairs Committee of the BCI.

6. Duration
  The current agreement will remain in effect until the BCI, through its appropriate authorities, decides to terminate it. Membership will be renewed annually by tacit agreement of each university. A university which wishes to withdraw from this agreement must advise the BCI of its intention at least 60 days before the end of a given year.

7. Application of the Agreement
  7.1 Students are subject to all rules and regulations of the host university where they are registered.  
  7.2 Courses followed at a host university in the context of the current agreement are reported to the Système des données de gestion des effectifs universitaires (GDEU) of the ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche, de la science et de la technologie (MESRST), are included in student population count and are considered for funding purposes.  

8. Interpretation of the Agreement
  The universities have complete freedom, by rulings or otherwise, to establish limits within which they will permit their students (as home university) or students of other universities (as host university), to benefit from the current agreement.

Final provision
  The current agreement applies, mutatis mutandis, to institutions of higher learning in Québec which, though not being universities, nonetheless adhere to this agreement with the permission of the permanent Academic Affairs Committee of the BCI.  

[1] Text updated and approved by the [formerly known as] CREPUQ executive committee [now BCI] June 1, 1995, updated February 26, 2014.
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